LISTEN TO THE Keynote Speakers

Dr. Deepika Mishra

Additional Professor Centre of Dental Education and Research, AllMS

Dr. Roomani Srivastava

esearch Associate (Data Science) CARISMMA, The George Institute of Global Health, India [PhD Scholar. Koita Centre for Digital Health, IITB]

Dr. Shiny Raizada

Assistant Professor and Academic incharge for B.Sc. (Sport and Exercise Science).

Dr. Rajiv Yeravdekar

M.D., Ph.D. Provost, Faculty of Medical & Health Sciences

Dr. Beulah Sebastian

Head of Sports in the Department of Sports Recreation and Wellness, Symbiosis International Deemed University

Dr. Sharmila A. Pimple

MD, Professor & Physician, Department of Preventive Oncology, Tata Memorial Hospital.

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