
Dr. Ruksheda Syeda

Psychiatrist,Trellis Family Center, President, Bombay Psychiatric Society

Celebrated Mental Health Speaker & Expert

Considered among the top #mentalhealth practitioners in India, Dr. Ruksheda is an eminent Psychiatrist with a distinguished practice spanning over 20 years, specializing in adolescents, young adults, women, and families. She is a celebrated speaker on Mental Health, with three Tedx talks to her credit.

A passionate advocate of community mental health, Dr. Ruksheda is actively involved with various communities and NGOs to expand mental health literacy and prevention of Psychiatric conditions. She is a well-known media personality and is in the spotlight for addressing the taboos and stigma related to mental health.

A leading women healthcare expert, Dr. Ruksheda serves as a Board/Committee member in leading healthcare and business organisations including:

  • Indian Association of Biological Psychiatry: Hon General Secretary
  • Indian Psychiatric Society: Convenor specialty section of Women and Mental Health
  • Indian Association of Private Psychiatry: Executive Council member
  • Advisor AtEase, an inclusive platform
  • Advisor Family First Guidance Centre

As the Global Women's Health Innovation Conference Advisory Board Member, Dr. Ruksheda will be instrumental in bringing together the best professionals in the mental health segment to discuss women's mental health.

14:15 - 14:45 hrs.

Wednesday 11th December

Future of Workplace Wellness - Women's Health Innovation

Real-world case studies with companies that have implemented healthtech/femtech in the workplace. The future of workplace health and the growing role of technology in creating inclusive, supportive environments for women.

Dr.Ruksheda Syeda
President, Bombay Psychiatric Society, Psychiatrist, Trellis Family Center

Carina Kohli
Founder & CEO, Humm Care

Moderated By:

Dr. Arundati Muralidharan, Founder, Menstrual Health Action for Impact (MHAi)