Dr. Sharmila A. Pimple
Sharmila A. Pimple received her medical training at Grant Medical College, Mumbai University, with a focus on Preventive and Social Medicine, and holds Diplomas in Cancer Control and Prevention, and Molecular Prevention from the US National Institutes of Health. Dr. Pimple is Principal Investigator on three studies –an interventional study on tobacco cessation effectiveness, and two related to HPV and cervical cancer – and is Co-Investigator on three others.
Over the past 10 years, Dr. Pimple has been involved in various capacity building and technology transfer projects developing and coordinating programs, creating training guidelines and manuals, and conducting courses in cancer control, prevention and screening and tobacco control at the municipal, district, and state levels, and for nongovernmental organizations. She regularly conducts training workshops in colposcopy for the early detection and management of cervical neoplasias using LEEP and cryotherapy.
Dr. Pimple’s goals are to leverage her experience in the control, prevention and early detection of oral, breast, cervical and tobacco-related cancers coupled with tobacco control and cessation, to address other noncommunicable diseases which share common risk factors, in order to have an impact on primary and secondary prevention of non-communicable diseases at a programmatic level throughout the country. She is interested in broadening her research and programmatic expertise to include public health policy development, global health and health disparities, common challenges to low and middle income countries and emerging economies, and in mobilization of existing resources, multi-sectorial co-operation, action and public private partnerships for NCD’s in general and cancer control and prevention in particular.
Wednesday 11th December
Innovations in Cancer Care - Bridging Research and Patient Outcomes
Explore the latest advancements in HPV screening & Cervical Cancer. The role of Innovation in prevention, diagnostics and care. Discussions on affordable and accessible solutions, and findings of a recent research conducted on HPV in India.
Sripriya Rao
Chief Growth Officer (Women's Wellness), Karkinos
Dr.Rashmi Tiwari
Senior Project Research Scientist, IIT Bombay
Dr.Sharmila Pimple
Professor & Physician, Dept. of Preventive Oncology, Tata Memorial Hospital
Moderated by:
Manbeena Chawla, PhD
Executive Editor, BioSpectrum India & Asia