Femtech impact story: OCON Healthcare

Ocon Healthcare develops innovative medical solutions that are inspired by women’s bodies and anatomy-fitting, to allow safer and specific therapeutic choices and to better the lives of women globally.
OCON Healthcare is Awarded as Technology Pioneer by the World Economic Forum for creating the world’s first and only three-dimensional (3D) spherical intrauterine drug-delivery platform technology addressing a myriad of women’s health issues through the uterus (such as contraception, heavy bleeding, endometriosis, fibroids, menopause and more), avoiding systemic side effects from taking oral formulations, made it to the selection for its contributions in the field of Healthcare and impact in women’s health.
Keren Leshem of OCON Healthcare is recognized among three Women Who Are Shaping The Future Of Women’s Health By Bringing Next Generation Of FemTech Products To The Market by Forbes and Marija Butkovic.
How is Ocon changing the face of women’s health?
Approximately 160 million women (17%) use IUDs (intrauterine devices) globally – varying in market share between countries, IUDs are the most widely used long-term, reversible contraceptive method in the world. Yet there has been no innovation in the IUD space since the 1990s with current devices using a deficient delivery platform invented in 1970. Ocon Healthcare’s first product is the IUB™ Ballerine® – the first and only 3D intrauterine device shaped for women’s anatomy and is a long-term, reversible, hormone-free contraceptive method replacing the 2D traditional T-shaped IUDs. But contraception is not the only reason for OCON’s innovation in this space.
“Abnormal Uterine Bleeding (AUB) affects up to 25% of women globally with a $1B annual addressable market, more than 70% of women develop uterine fibroids by the age of 50, which is 9 million women in the U.S. alone, and hormone replacement therapy, of which the market size was valued at $21.8 billion in 2019, are all areas we are looking into and in which we are developing innovative solutions to cater to women who need them,”
Keren Leshem, CEO of OCON Healthcare
On top of the IUB™ Ballerine®, any drug or substance that can be introduced into the uterus can be potentially put on the flexible, smart memory shape IUB™ (Intra Uterine Ball) frame to be non-invasively delivered to the uterus and treat various medical conditions, replacing invasive procedures.
Keren Leshem will be speaking at the forthcoming Global Women’s Health Innovation Conference India 2022 to be held on 12 and 13 December 2022 in Mumbai.
In her session, International FemTech Success Story; Shaping the Future of Women’s Health, she will be talking about:
- The Journey: Building (Re-starting) a FemTech company and growing it as a global brand.
- Working in Femtech as an Innovator Founder; the global outlook, challenges and
- opportunities between Israel and India.
- Future of women’s health and creating choices and options for women with uterine pathologies.

The conference is organized to highlight inequalities in women’s health and to build conversations around women’s health and femtech in India.
Register to book your front-row seat today!
To read the feature on Keren Leshem and OCON in Forbes, click here
Image credit: Ocon Healthcare